It’s less about the history and the massacre but **** about how Americans, especially the kids, are learned to respect the diversity and to treat everyone the same. Diversity and inclusion, at the core of every organization’s value in the country, is what makes the superpower unchallenged and what the rest of the world should learn from heart.
萧宇 2024-11-28
作为***研究的一部分,田纳西州惠特韦尔中学的孩子们试图收集 600 万个回形针,代表被**杀害的 600 万***。《回形针》的故事发生在田纳西州惠特韦尔的一个蓝领农村,那里的一个中学班级试图通过收集回形针来衡量第二次世界大战***的严重程度,每个回形针都代表着*******中失去的一条生命。这个想法来自 1998 年学校的三位老师,并在八年级的教室里完成。学生们最终成功收集了超过 2500 万个回形针。
gjqofficial 2020-03-26
It’s less about the history and the massacre but **** about how Americans, especially the kids, are learned to respect the diversity and to treat everyone the same. Diversity and inclusion, at the core of every organization’s value in the country, is what makes the superpower unchallenged and what the rest of the world should learn from heart.