Produced in association with the American Film Institute. 'How refreshing, how relaxing, coming at the end of a generally dull program, Razor Blades really lit up the inside of ** head...the banquet of images was especially pleasing & tranquil from the first row where I sat. I very much dug your treatment of the sound, and as for pictures - well...
賽珍珠咬打火機 2024-10-16
🍿11 cineville 419-1 @EyeFilmmuseum #StructuralFilm double projection 喜欢!
lyssēs如是说 2024-06-26
Turbulence 2024-03-11
rass 2023-11-26
巧比 2023-05-13
好厉害的flickering 应该是给了闪电舞灵感
豆友 2022-08-27
Produced in association with the American Film Institute. 'How refreshing, how relaxing, coming at the end of a generally dull program, Razor Blades really lit up the inside of ** head...the banquet of images was especially pleasing & tranquil from the first row where I sat. I very much dug your treatment of the sound, and as for pictures - well...
Trillian 2021-08-07
R 2018-12-11