《Vörös föld》在线观看和下载
Vörös föld又名Red Earth
A devastating satire about the miracles of life under Hungarian socialism. The ****, Szanto. is a bauxite mixer who makes a strange discovery: his pigs have rooted good quality bauxite out of the ground in his backyard. But the bauxite prospectors refuse to acknowledge that Szanto and his pigs made the lucky strike, crediting, instead, careful and methodical planning. With a sh...
发布于1982年。由László Vitézy执导,并且由编剧László Vitézy携幕后团队创作。并于1982-09-23(匈牙利)公映的电影。
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为剧情的电影。创作于匈牙利 Hungary地区,具有匈牙利语 Hungarian语言版本。
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