#4kRestoration# 作为艺术家Niki De Saint Phalle本来就属于欧洲艺术圈“名媛”,然而从本片颇有风格的productio design并没有让电影成为某种前卫表达的影像,更像是**版的Alice in Wonderland迷失于pallus complex批判的闹剧。最精彩的部分倒是本人创作的动画,单独剪辑成短片效果可能会更好。本次修复完全由****出钱,似乎是设计师裙带关系的原因。
垃圾artist film. Terrible nothingness and fooling around with literal phallic devices that's not even funny (but stupid Americans at NYFF laugh quite a lot). Any attempt in praising it in terms of costume design (really shitty actually) and so called critique of toxic masculinity (leading to a war of total destruction) fares poorly against The Night of the Scarecrow, a Brazilian movie coming out two years before this, which incidentally has similar "monster" design that's so much wilder, as well as a slight jab at chauvinism, among many, many other things.
諸行無常 2024-11-08
🦉 2024-08-17
#MIFF 像个爱好者的作品,但这自我放飞的要比之前看的那部今年的酷儿电影强。我突然意识到自己被这个异性恋世界强行塞*****。Not everyone likes it, 感觉被冒犯了。
VicWallflower 2024-03-14
#4kRestoration# 作为艺术家Niki De Saint Phalle本来就属于欧洲艺术圈“名媛”,然而从本片颇有风格的productio design并没有让电影成为某种前卫表达的影像,更像是**版的Alice in Wonderland迷失于pallus complex批判的闹剧。最精彩的部分倒是本人创作的动画,单独剪辑成短片效果可能会更好。本次修复完全由****出钱,似乎是设计师裙带关系的原因。
ToriAmos 2023-10-09
#NYFF 61# 开头的塔罗牌揭示了电影通过梦境隐喻现实的叙事框架,但最终呈现的深度远远不够,仅是上演了一段不好笑、低俗的闹剧。难道真的有人能在末尾的迪克男和军**战中解读出什么女权的思考嘛?
SodaRainfall 2023-10-08
It’s like a dream Chaotic but kinda pleasant And waking up to a lingering melancholy
虎齿剑 2023-10-04
是我喜欢的电影类型 现实+一点插画** 故事主旨并不重要 尺度大的部分也不重要 是整体氛围感觉都很轻松可爱
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2023-10-04
垃圾artist film. Terrible nothingness and fooling around with literal phallic devices that's not even funny (but stupid Americans at NYFF laugh quite a lot). Any attempt in praising it in terms of costume design (really shitty actually) and so called critique of toxic masculinity (leading to a war of total destruction) fares poorly against The Night of the Scarecrow, a Brazilian movie coming out two years before this, which incidentally has similar "monster" design that's so much wilder, as well as a slight jab at chauvinism, among many, many other things.
Dionysus 2023-10-04
NYFF20231003 还是老电影敢拍,诡*离奇的梦境,以童真的视角反讽成年人的性别世界
Gummo 2023-06-29
4.5 cinemaritrovato|“跟我飞去别处吧,我是你的鸟,我是你的鸟。”
TWY 2019-01-28